
Cloudways Hosting Review

To know the details about Cloudways Hosting Review read the whole blog. Cloudways Cloud Platform is a cloud hosting platform exclusively for developers and agencies to build high-end web applications quickly and easily. Cloudways Cloud Federated Cloud [Federated Cloud] powered by [cloud providers] that provides the flexibility and choice of using any server in the world and can be integrated with Cloudways Managed Cloud Server [Cloud Server].

Cloudways Cloud Platform federated cloud technology is really different from other companies in this area, because it allows users access to multiple services in one place without having to switch between various clouds.

This means you can build your app or site on DigitalOcean’s infrastructure but use Google Analytics. Or perhaps host your blog on Vultr servers but use CloudFlare for DDoS protection and caching. Cloudways Cloud Platform is one of the few services that allow you to work with multiple providers in a single dashboard. Cloudways Cloud Hosting Cloud CloudCloudCloudCloud™ Cloud Servers™ Managed Services™

Key Takeaway:

Cloudways is a cloud hosting platform exclusively for developers and agencies to build high-end web applications quickly and easily. With their unique Federated Cloud technology, users can access servers from different providers all within one user interface.

Finding Your Way Around The Interface

Before we get started, it’s worth pointing out that using Cloudways is very much like using Heroku . If you’ve ever used Heroku , then this will be familiar territory for you. Screenshots provided where necessary so this review will be a lot shorter than Cloudways Cloud Hosting Cloud CloudCloudCloudCloudCloudCloud™ Cloud Servers™ Managed Services™.

The Cloudways Control Panel

When you first log in to the Cloudways platform, you’re presented with an interface that’s just as intuitive and easy-to-use as Heroku ‘s. This main dashboard gives you access to all of your servers, apps, billing information, account & support details. It also lists your current server resources (CPU/RAM), which is especially useful if you manage several accounts on different providers at once.

The initial screen looks like this: Here are some quick highlights for each section: The Dashboard – Your primary landing page where everything starts from. From here you can access all Cloud Platform features. Cloudways Cloud Servers – Displays all of your Cloud Servers along with their CPU, Memory, Disk Status and the provider.

Cloudways Cloud – A button that takes you to the primary Cloudways cloud hosting platform where you can manage your apps/sites (AWS, DigitalOcean etc), set billing information and more. App Gallery – This displays ‘Featured Applications’.

It does exactly what it says on the tin! Apps are available for WordPress, Drupal, Joomla!, Magento 1 & 2, Laravel Forge or Django. Cloudways Cloud Scripts – All server side scripts like Ruby On Rails (RoR), NodeJS (Node) etc. Each script has default apps associated with them inside Cloudways Cloud (e.g.Cloudways Cloud Rails has Cloudways Cloud Rails Gems and Cloudways Cloud RoR Server). Cloudways Cloud Drush – A button that takes you to all of Drupal drush commands as well as allows you to download cron jobs, logs and backup your databases.

Cloudways Cloud Tools – This is a dashboard where you can access various third party tools like MailHog, New Relic etc OpenStack Dashboard – The only provider specific section in the entire platform so far since it’s used for managing servers on OpenStack.

Don’t let this mislead you though because there are several providers already available with more coming soon! Networking Tab – A simple page that shows your public IP address, private IP address and Cloudways Cloud DNS information. Cloudways Cloud Users – All Cloudways Cloud users along with their login credentials and SSH details. Cloudways Cloud Support – A brief insight into the common problems faced by customers along with a solution for each of them. This isn’t something you’ll need too often but it’s handy if you’re ever stuck! Billing Tab – Your billing and invoice history.

Here, you can set your invoicing terms, add payment methods and download/view invoices etc. My Account Tab – Details associated to the Cloudways Cloud platform including all Cloud Platforms ( DigitalOcean , Amazon Web Services , Vultr ) that you have access to along with your API Key, security questions and phone number login verification code settings Cloudways Cloud Logs – Cloudways Cloud Servers logs Cloudways Cloud Processes – All Cloudways Cloud processes along with memory usage information. Server Status – Extended server status information including disk space, bandwidth usage and custom server side scripts.

I struggled to find a good analogy for the rest of the images in this review because it’s truly hard to explain how intuitive and user-friendly the Cloudways platform is! The main dashboard is divided into two parts: top and bottom.

The lower half of the Dashboard includes:

A short summary of your current monthly, weekly and daily resource limits (Free users get enough monthly RAM/bandwidth/disk space to power their sites but not much else).

Also Read: Namecheap Hosting Review

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