
How To Find The Right Freight Broker

Freight brokers are a very important part of the freight shipping industry, but they’re also one of the most misunderstood. If you’ve never hired one before and you’re not sure how to find a good one, this article is for you.

What is their Experience?

You need a freight broker that is experienced in your type of business. If they are not familiar with your industry and how things work, they will be less likely to find the right carrier for you. Instead, they should have experience working with your industry and understand what carriers are available to provide the best service for you.

A broker’s experience should also extend beyond just their years in business or the number of clients served. Experience can also include what they have done in the past for other companies like yours. For example: if this same broker has negotiated a deal before that saved money on transportation costs, that shows their ability to do so again (and hopefully save your company money too).

Do they Specialize in Your Traffic Lanes?

If a freight broker is not familiar with the lanes you need to ship through, they may not be able to help you. Ask for a list of their customers and see if they are carriers or transport companies that operate in the lane(s) you need to use. If there are no names on their customer list, it could indicate that this company specializes in something other than your traffic lanes.

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Do they have ’24/7′ Coverage?

It’s important to find a freight broker that has 24/7 customer service. Your company will be moving freight around the clock, and you need to be able to reach your broker at all times. A good freight broker should have a 24/7 customer service team who is ready and willing to answer any questions or concerns you may have at any time of day or night.

Are They Licensed and Bonded?

If you have a choice between two freight brokers, one of which is bonded and licensed and one that is not, choose the former. This means that the freight broker has paid a bond to the government (this ensures that they will pay for any damages done if there is an accident). It also means that they are licensed by the government (this ensures that they are following all of their state’s regulations).

Can they Provide References?

Be sure to ask for references. Ask them to provide you with the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of other clients who can attest to their services. You can then contact these companies directly and check their stories out. 

If the freight broker is new at their job or just starting out in the industry, they may not have any previous experience yet. In this case, it’s ok to take a chance on them if they seem honest and trustworthy.

As you can see, it is important to find a freight broker that meets your needs and that you can trust. A good place to start looking is with an online search. Search for freight brokers in your area and see what comes up. Look at their websites and social media pages to get more information about them before making contact with them directly or through an online form.

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