
6 Data-driven Real Estate Lead Generation Ideas for New Agents

Both technology and online advertising are changing quickly. Lead generation strategies include a lot of different things, from making a social media presence to running Facebook ads. But there are so many ways to use the internet to market real estate that it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. 

We have put together a list of the top real estate lead generation techniques that are guaranteed to work in order to help you get the most out of your time, effort, and money. Discover what you should do in the next sections to get quality leads.

Real Estate Lead Generation Ideas

These are some of the important real estate lead ideas you should explore:

Leverage The Help of Professionals

Your organizational structure and profitability will improve by creating new income streams if you can reliably create real estate lead generation data. B2C lead generation services can be a valuable tool for real estate professionals looking to grow their businesses and increase their sales. These services typically use a variety of tactics to reach potential customers and generate leads.

Create Various Content Pieces 

Developing a customer base is critical, but so is keeping them. And the greatest way to generate and nurture real estate leads is to produce content in the order of blogs. Blogging is a treasure for keeping homebuyers involved, with anything from property listings to crucial real estate rules. 

The content you offer will help demonstrate your industry understanding. However, content is not limited to blogs. You can try out several formats such as quarterly reports, client testimonials, memes,  and infographics. You can also reuse old content and publish it as instructional videos, digital guides, or eBooks. 

Create A Social Media Presence 

A good social media profile would not only identify you as a trustworthy brand, but it will also build a framework for you to interact with potential clients. As a result, creating a social media presence is critical in today’s world, and for this, you can get help from real estate lead generation services. They use data and analytics to target specific demographics or geographic areas, helping real estate professionals to reach the most relevant audience. 

The first and most important piece of material to distribute on social media channels is property listings. The main features of the property must be stated in a few sentences. You may keep people engaged by including elements such as surveys, Q&A sessions, and stories. 

Video Marketing 

You can use video marketing to produce leads in addition to social media. An effective strategy to attract an audience is to publish case studies, client testimonial videos, property tours, agent biographies, upcoming projects, and so on. 

This real estate lead generation method is very effective for attracting people who are relocating to a new location and want to look at numerous projects before settling on one. 

For example, if a person is moving from London to Houston, they will perform extensive study on the real estate market as well as the surrounding area. If people come across your video while searching, they are likely to speak with you for further advice. This is because you will be able to supply people with insight and expertise about the city. 

Make Use of Facebook Ads 

One of the finest ways to produce quality leads at scale is through Facebook Real Estate Ads. Since these ads are data-driven, you may target consumers based on a variety of characteristics such as residential profiles. You can advertise to entice new viewers in a certain location or target a specialized audience for remarketing purposes. 

This will allow you to produce quality leads who are interested in purchasing the property you are advertising, as well as sellers who are searching for an agent to handle their property. As a result, Facebook advertising is the simplest, most successful, and most efficient method of generating real estate leads. 

Share Information on New Development Opportunities 

Advertise fresh developments in your area. This allows your target audience to know about some of these projects before others and acquire the best pricing. Since such properties are not widely known in the market, buyers can select a unit with their desired floor style,  plans, and layouts. 

Furthermore, informing consumers that they are certain to save a large amount of money with an early adopter price will spark their curiosity and entice them to call you. New agents benefit from this real estate lead production approach. 

Make Available Downloadable Guides 

Build a guide for folks looking to purchase or sell real estate in your city. You can provide the guides as free downloads in exchange for information such as email addresses and phone numbers. In this manner, you can provide a lot of value to your potential customers while also generating leads. The buyers’ guide can cover a wide range of topics. 


There are a variety of lead-generating methods for the real estate industry. However, only those strategies that have been created with the targeted users in mind will produce successful results. Remember that our methods for consuming material are constantly changing, so trying out different content types is a great way to generate leads and maintain audience engagement.

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